Chantal DeSorbo


Chantal is a Sex and Relationship coach focusing on intimacy and connection with yourself and/or your partner(s).

Chantal is a proud, strong woman and mother of two beautiful, wild children. She prefers to be naked, barefoot, and outside. The Moon is her jam and she loves following her cycle and aligning it to her own cycle. She is a Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, and Sagittarius Rising. Over the years, she became educated about her own nervous system and learned our body holds all the answers. As hard as it may be to stop, listen, and take action, it is vital to our understanding, growth, and empowerment. Chantal’s goal is for you to feel your body from the inside out and after you accomplish that, to feel your body from the outside in, before you allow anyone else that privilege. She has learned from her own life experiences, as well as helping her friends, to shape her professional knowledge. She finished her Core training with Somatica®Institute and will continue to advanced training in 2024. Chantal’s desire is to connect with you on a personal level and is inviting you on this journey to discover what is deep within you.

Rate starts at $123/hr


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